Come Alive Long Beach harnesses the power of art and collective care to cultivate healing and agency among underrepresented youth of color. 

Come Alive Long Beach builds community through volunteerism, the sharing of intergenerational knowledge, and establishing proximity through affordable means. This community heals isolation, engages creative expression, and transcends institutionalized boundaries.

About The Founder

Come Alive Long Beach was started in 2016 by Filipina-Irish-American Founder and Chief Creative, Anjelica Monet Vargas. Come Alive has been shaped by her lived experiences and her desire to address the opportunity gap for under-resourced students of color and their families, in her hometown of Long Beach, California.

Come Alive’s name was inspired by The Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37, where it is written, “Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these... that they may live.” Come Alive represents this breath of life that stirs hope and new beginnings.
